2021 Goals: February Progress

David Hariri
2 min readMar 1, 2021


Main quest

Be impeccable with your word 🟢

  • It’s hard to measure my progress on this, but I’d like to think I remind myself about it often enough that it’s making a difference.

3 projects make it to roadmap 🟢

  • My first project of the year (a new way for CMS’ to be integrated into Ada) is committed to roadmap and it looks I’ll be leading the engineering efforts until the team is more filled out. 1 down, 2 to go.

Meditate daily 🔴

  • Yup, still bad at this. I think I meditated twice throughout February. Trending upwards, but nowhere near a daily habit yet. The hardest part for me is finding the time in the morning. I will experiment in March with making it an evening routine instead of a morning one.

Blog 🟡

  • I didn’t write anything in February. I started a few drafts, but I haven’t published anything yet.

Run 1,000 km 🟢

  • This is going well. I hit 228km in February. If I continue at this pace, I should be able to end the year with well over 1000km.

New goal: 80kg 🔴

  • Still at around 86kg.

Side quests

Run somewhere special with my running friends

  • The trip is still on, but got pushed back to September

Get more involved with Baha’i activities

  • COVID slowed progress on Bethany, but we were all able to start demolition on the old art studio on February 28th. Fun day.

Run a marathon alone

  • Will start ramping up the milage in the spring for this

When safe, travel somewhere special with Monica

  • Not really “special”, but I did book a trip to visit my sister and husband in Vancouver at the end of March.

Build an end-grain chess board

  • This is far away from a priority right now

Use all my fingers to type

  • Not started. Is this still important? I type reasonably fast…

Read 13 books

  • Done 3, on 4

50 pushups in a row + 10 pull ups in a row

  • Started training. On a fresh day, I can do 15 good technique push ups and 2 solid pull ups.

