2021 Goals: January Progress

David Hariri
3 min readFeb 2, 2021


Main quest

Be impeccable with your word

  • Outwardly, I’m definitely still working to find a balance between being truthful and being respectful. So far, I have honoured at least 80% of my commitments. I would like to see this get to 100%.
  • Inwardly, my words oscillate between very positive and very negative about myself. Would like to flatten the mountains and raise the valleys to make that a more consistent, honest narrative.

3 projects make it to roadmap

  • First project will be finished in 3 weeks and is trending very positively. I think it will make it to roadmap and most of the code I’ve written should be useful.

Meditate daily

  • Wow I am bad at this. I don’t think I’ve meditated since I set this goal. Why is this one so easy to ignore? I should meditate on that…


  • I wrote 3 things in January (including this update). The feedback on the work-related article was largely positive so I think I will keep focussing on trying to write about what I’ve learned on the job.

Run 1,000 km

  • You would think that starting a running goal in winter would be harder than meditating daily, right? This is going well. I hit 120km in January.
  • Mike Murchison has been joining me on most runs which has given me a big boost (sometimes literally) and held me accountable to the morning ritual.

New goal: 80kg

  • I’ve noticed that over the least 10 months I’ve steadily gained weight, despite the added running. I’m up to 86kg right now, the most I’ve been in my life. This added weight will make running longer and faster much harder so I’m going to start targeting my diet to see if I can bring that back down to my comfortable weight of 80kg.

Side quests

Run somewhere special with my running friends

  • We will see if COVID doesn’t kibosh this, but I’m signed up for a running trip in May with Mike Murchison.

Get more involved with Baha’i activities

  • I started helping Emad Toukan on his quest to transform an old school in Bethany, ON into a Baha’i learning centre like the ones I used to go to with my family as a kid. There’s much to do and we’ve been slowed by the lockdown, but I’m excited to see what’s possible by the end of the year.

Run a marathon alone

  • I’m not quite in the shape I would need to be to do this, but I’ll be close by the spring. I’ll most likely target a fall date and train harder in the summer.

When safe, travel somewhere special with Monica

  • Lockdown

Build an end-grain chess board

  • I will pick at this when I have a few days at my parents cottage where the wood shop is. I built a prototype over the Christmas holidays, but parts of it didn’t work out well and I likely need a planer or drum sander to properly execute on this project.

Use all my fingers to type

  • Not started. Is this still important? I type reasonably fast…

Read 13 books

  • Done 2, on 3

50 pushups in a row + 10 pull ups in a row

  • Not started. Like meditation, I find this one hard to commit to.

