My goals for 2021

David Hariri
Jan 2, 2021


“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” — Bill Gates

Main quest

  1. Be impeccable with my word
  2. 3 projects make it to roadmap
  3. Meditate daily
  4. Write more
  5. Run 1,000 km
  6. Weigh 80kg

Side quests

  • Run somewhere special with my running friends
  • Get more involved with Baha’i activities
  • Run a marathon alone
  • When safe, travel somewhere special with Monica
  • Build an end-grain chess board
  • Use all my fingers to type
  • Read 13 books
  • 50 pushups in a row + 10 pull ups in a row

